Between Private and State Initiative: Piracy in the Ancient Mediterranean


  • Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas University of Seville
  • Eduardo Ferrer Albelda University of Seville



Piracy, Antiquity, Mediterranean, Politics, War


Piracy was a constant phenomenon in the ancient Mediterranean. Practically all societies, cultures, states and characters that lived on its shore were related in one way or another to this practice. The aim of this paper will be to offer an overview analyzing the way in which the perception of the piracy phenomenon changed among Mediterranean communities and how it went from being considered a natural, and even prestigious, activity typical of heroes and aristocrats, to pirates being classified as “enemies of civilization”.

Thus, we will analyze the evolution from a time, at the end of the second millennium B.C., when one could hardly distinguish between piracy and war, to the Homeric period, in which it was as an activity typical of the aristoi. In the Archaic Age, a progressive disregard for the exercise of piracy is perceived, which will go hand in hand with the increase of commercial activity in the Greek world until reaching the classical period, when it will become aware that the piracy phenomenon might be a brake on the progress of great states, as long as the exercise of piracy is contrary to the interests of those powers. The Hellenistic period would see great moments for piracy, such as the phenomenon of the archpirates or, at the end of the period, the rise of Cilician piracy, and, at the same time, the alleged efforts of powers such as Rhodes and Rome to put an end to their activities (or to channel them according to their own interests). The Roman imperial period supposedly marked the end of piracy, but we will see that it was merely reduced to “tolerable” limits, which did not affect the normal development of the main commercial activities. However, during the first two centuries of our era, every time the Roman state went into crisis, there was an upsurge in pirate activity. For this reason, from the third century on, piracy would experience a clear boom, much more pronounced in the moments of greatest weakness of the state.


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Author Biographies

  • Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, University of Seville

    Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas es profesor contratado doctor en el Departamento de Historia Antigua de la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha sido becario FPU del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y es doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha dedicado la mayor parte de su labor investigadora al estudio de la piratería desde una perspectiva socioeconómica y cultural, centrándose principalmente en la tardorrepública romana y el Principado. Además, también ha investigado sobre la recepción del pasado clásico en la cultura popular contemporánea.

  • Eduardo Ferrer Albelda, University of Seville

    Eduardo Ferrer Albelda es catedrático de universidad en el área de Arqueología del Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla. Es doctor en historia por la Universidad de Sevilla y profesor de la misma desde comienzos de los años 90 del pasado siglo. Su principal ámbito de estudio ha sido el de la presencia feniciopúnica en la Península Ibérica, con un enfoque que ha combinado los estudios arqueológicos con el uso de la historiografía. Ha participado en numerosos proyectos de investigación y dirigido o tomado parte en multitud de campañas arqueológicas.


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How to Cite

Between Private and State Initiative: Piracy in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2021). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 10(20), 18-40.

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