War and Hagiography in Gaul during the second half of the 5th Century: Paris and the Vita sanctae Genovevae


  • Esther Sánchez Medina Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Attila, Franks, Diplomacy, Christianism, Leadership models


The historical sources for the 5th century, mainly Prosperus, Priscus –preserved only in fragmentary form – and Jordanes, do not answer many of the modern historian's questions. That is why in this study we intend to add some hagiographic sources to the historical analysis, with special attention to the Vita sanctae Genovevae -an anonymous biography from the beginning of the 6th century-, with the aim of achieving a more complete image of the complex events that took place in the Western part of the Roman Empire during the fifth century. These sources, often neglected, allow us to glimpse some nuances that are difficult to perceive if we do not work with all the preserved testimonies.

This century largely maintains its social and political order due to the brute force and coercion that various powers –accompanied by powerful armies– unleashed on the frightened communities. It is in this context of violence that diplomatic negotiation at the local level –urban communities– became essential. These mediation tasks with the political powers and armies –Goths, Huns, Franks, etc.– frequently fell on the increasingly influential figure of the bishop, who, as a defensor civitatis, took care of many functions neglected by the late Roman civil administration. The new model of leadership born from the high Christian hierarchies also found some female figures who, like Martin of Tours or Anianus of Orleans, would lead the resistance of the urban communities to which they belonged. This was the case of Genevieve of Paris, who, breaking with the model of traditional feminine holiness (martyr-ascetic) dealt with the negotiation with the Parisian elites, the food supply of the city during the Frank economic blockade or also the creation of religious center of vital importance for the cohesion of the new Christian community during the final crisis of the Western empire.


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Author Biography

  • Esther Sánchez Medina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Esther Sánchez Medina es Profesora Contratada Doctora en la UAM en el Área de Historia Antigua, institución en la que ingresó en 2015, tras doctorarse, en el programa europeo de la UAH y realizar varias estancias pre y postdoctorales en diversos centros de Francia y Alemania entre los que cabe destacar el CNRS, en su Centre de recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance de París y la Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik del DAI, en Múnich. Ha sido miembro científico de la Casa de Velázquez - École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (EHEHI) 2015-2016.

    En los últimos años sus intereses se centran en el estudio de la relación entre las partes occidental y oriental del Imperio romano durante la Tardoantigüedad, así como al desarrollo de los poderes continuadores de Roma, con especial incidencia en las élites religiosas, principalmente de los episcopios de las antiguas provincias de África, Galia e Hispania.


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How to Cite

War and Hagiography in Gaul during the second half of the 5th Century: Paris and the Vita sanctae Genovevae. (2022). Revista Universitaria De Historia Militar, 11(22), 40-60. https://doi.org/10.53351/ruhm.v11i22.845

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